
In the beginning, you can invite your friends to be members in your mafia. A small handful will join your mafia but that is not enough. You need a large mafia if you expect to be in any condition to attack larger mafias later on in the game. So, you need to look elsewhere for members, especially strong members because they will help you a lot in fights.

You can find members on countless groups, on and off of Facebook, dedicated to mafia wars. I know what you’re thinking, that you do not want strangers to be on your friends list. This is a legitimate concern but, one trick is that, once they become your friend and join your mafia, you can delete them from your friends list. They will remain a member of your...

When I went to invite a lot of members to my mafia, I posted a comment on the front page of each group. I asked for people to join my mafia and a lot of them did. The comments will accumulate fast on each group and your comment will be quickly pushed to another page, where it will not be seen as much, so you want to post a comment occasionally for new members to see and join your mafia. Do not overdo it or you will be labeled a troll or spammer and most likely booted from the group. You can also add members, who are requesting mafia members, to your friends list.

Once they are on your friends list or you are on their list, either one of you can send an invite to the other to join each other’s mafia. If either of you run out of invites for the day, keep them as friends and invite them another day.

After they are on your mafia list, you can delete them as a friend. One complication with this is keeping track of who is friend and who is just there for the game. What I did was label purely mafia people as mafia and then, after adding them to my friends list and mafia, I could open up  the friends list to the label for mafia members and quickly delete them. If you are planning on adding a lot of real friends to your friends list, it’s probably best to hold off on mass inviting purely mafia members to your friends list for a few days or everyone will get mixed together quickly and it will take a lot of work to delete those people that are not your friends.


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